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The government announced on Monday that it would introduce legislation which will give employees the right to ask for flexible working arrangements as soon as they start a job. Have a clearly thought-out plan about how you would structure working from home. Is the end goal how to ask to work from home during COVID, or do you want to make this a permanent transition beyond the pandemic? Do you have the right space at home for you to be an effective remote worker? Are you hoping to work from home all the time or just a few days a week? Since beginning to work form home full-time during the pandemic, I've discovered just how productive and effective I can be at my job by working this way.
Even firing employees can be expensive, but that’s another story. Employees who work from home typically choose a distraction-free work environment so they can produce deep, focused, high-quality work. Furthermore, the study states that the average real estate savings with full-time work from home employees are $10,000 per employee per year.
Can Walking Meetings Lead to Healthier Lives?
Many employers are nervous about allowing employees to work from home because of security concerns. When working from home, you won’t have access to the same devices, network, and security protocols as you would in a conventional office. Provide a proposal on how to improve security, such as investing in a better network, using a VPN, or installing remote employee monitoring software. Don’t lead with this, but during the discussion, make it a point to explain your personal motivation.
In fact, when people work from home, they often work longer hours and are more productive. And they usually don’t take a full hour for a lunch break like they might if there was a city to wander around, get food, and look in shops. Working from home is becoming more commonplace in many industries, including tech, finance, consulting, and even healthcare. However, having employees dispersed in multiple locations presents employers with unique challenges. So long as you perform well and don’t abuse the trust placed in you, this can be a great way to address objections as you go.
However, spend the day getting as much work done as you can, proving to your boss that you can be productive at home. Accept a "no." If your boss does end up saying "no," accept it, and plan to revisit the idea in the future. If you prove you're a hard worker who can handle responsibility, your boss is more likely to be lenient in the future. Talk to tech support to ensure you could have the same level of security that the office has, which will put your boss more at ease.

Good reasons to work from home for a day at the last minute. Communication is key when you want to ask for any favor from anyone, including your boss. While working from home has become more common in the workplace, there are also a number of reasons why not all bosses may not feel comfortable doing the same.
Work-Life Balance vs. Work-Life Integration
Jotform is intuitive and easy to use, and it comes with thousands of business templates you can customize for your organization. Once you’re doing some of your work from home it becomes much easier to prove that the arrangement works. A company takeover, for example, can result in a new management team switching away from remote working. If you have a formal agreement, your company will need to continue to honour it, or agree some kind of compromise deal with you. With no documentation – well – it could be straight back to the office for you.
For instance, if you have a big meeting coming up and need to speak to investors in person or present a report, then it’ll probably be easier if you come in yourself. Otherwise, if most of your work is done on the computer or over the phone, then you qualify for this type of request. Tray Durrant, executive director of PA recruiter, Bain and Gray, believes the new move will be a good thing for employees. “It will prompt discussion and iron out the working arrangements from day one, which can only be a good thing for both sides and ensure hybrid working arrangements are clear cut.
This will work because it will prevent other workers from getting sick and it will help you save your sick days for another time. This might seem like a weird consideration, but it is important because it can play a huge role in the answer, especially if you work for a private company. If you are not in good standing with your boss, and if he/she is the type to operate based on these things, then it is unlikely that you will hear a ‘yes’ to your request. However, if you have a healthy working relationship with your boss, he/she will be more likely to consider your request.

Be sure to include anything your employer is already paying for that you'll continue to use from home. Given a lot of my day is picking up tickets from Jira, I can’t see how my productivity will be impacted, but I’m willing to work with you to figure out how best to communicate progress. You'll likely use Slack or another chat app, along with email, video conferencing software, and your mobile number for emergencies. You'll need to over-communicate your accomplishments in the beginning to earn everyone's trust. Depending on your team and role, this could be through a daily standup, weekly update email, or a real-time dashboard. This section is also a great place to summarize your research into how common remote work is in your industry and role.
Equally, there are some who might feel anxious about approaching their current employer about the topic of flexible working. But Durrant says “whether or not someone is intimidated, communication is paramount”. From this week, employees have more flexible working rights. Without going into too much detail, I’m sure you can imagine that there are some days when I am in considerable discomfort and would prefer not to have to make the journey into the office.
This was also possible even though many other responsibilities and focuses shifted in my personal life. Like many of us, because of remote work, I continued contributing at a high level at work while taking care of unexpected and challenging life circumstances. Once you've done your research, think about why you want to continue working from home—and how doing so can help the company, too. In a September survey, remote work site FlexJobs found that 65 percent of people want to become full-time remote employees post-pandemic. A remote work plan is a document outlining how a work-from-home arrangement could work.
Plus, you may get nervous and stressed out about presentations. Default outcome of this presentation is to have you start working from home. Filling out the Work From Home Game Plan template with all additional expectations. This will be shared in physical form or a hyperlink that we will use during the presentation. Followed by brief notes on how you will be successful at them when working from home. The SECRET here is to directly ask if these expectations are unreasonable with “no-oriented questions”.
That's why many remote workers choose to work at remote companies that know how to include people who are working outside the office. Many people make WFH work at regular companies, but you'll need to learn remote work skills to be successful. Armed with your research and prep work, make sure you’re ready to lead the conversation with your boss. Start by discussing at a high level your desire to work remotely, including the benefits for your organization and how typical it is where you work and in your industry. I wanted to see if we could schedule a meeting to discuss some ideas I have for improving my work environment and making it more conducive to accomplishing my job responsibilities.
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